§ 98. Numerals. (b) Ordinal Numbers.


The ordinal numbers from 2 to 10 are formed from the corresponding cardinals by adding the termination y¤i (§ 86 h), before which another y¤i also is generally inserted between the second and third radicals. They are as follows: ynIve second, yviyliv.ày[iybir> (like [b;r,ñà[b;roñà~y[iBerI, without the prosthetic a, which appears in [B;r>a;, &c.), yviymix] or yvimix] (which, according to Strack, is always to be read for yVimix]), yViviày[iybiv.àynIymiv.ày[iyviT.àyrIyfi[]. The ordinal first is expressed by !AvarI (cf. § 27 w), from vaor head, beginning, with the termination !A (§ 86 f ). On the use of dx'a, as an ordinal in numbering the days of the month, cf. § 134 p; in such cases as Gn 1:5, 2:11, the meaning of first is derived solely from the context.


The feminine forms have the termination ty¤i, more rarely ( and only in the case of 3 and 10 ) hY"¤i. They are employed also to express fractions, e. g. tyvimix] fifth or fifth part, tyrIyfi[] and hY"rIyf†i[] tenth part. Side by side with these, in the same sense, there are also forms like [beroñ and [b;r,oñ a quarter, vm,xoñ a fifth part, and with the afformative !Aà!ArF'[i, (plur. ~ynIArf.[,) a tenth part; these are to be regarded as abstracts, and are denominatives from the cardinal numbers. Cf. finally [;Wbv' e`bdoma,j, a week; rAf[' a decade (of days), and also the tenth day.

On the expression of the other relations of number, for which the Hebrew has no special forms, see the Syntax, § 134 q and r.