§ 154. Sentences connected by WaÒw.


WaÒw copulativum1 (w>) serves to connect two or more sentences, or single words (on its various vocalization, cf. § 104 d–g). Its use, however, is by no means restricted merely to joining sentences which are actually co-ordinate. Frequently the language employs merely the simple connexion by WaÒw, even to introduce an antithesis (Gn 17:21, 19:19, Lv 2:12, Jb 6:25, and very frequently in circumstantial noun-clauses), or when one of the two clauses is not co-ordinated, but subordinated to the other. On the use of w> to introduce circumstantial clauses, cf. especially § 141 e and § 142 d; introducing causal clauses, § 158 a; comparative clauses, § 161 a; final clauses, § 165 a; consecutive clauses, § 166 a. On waÒw apodosis, cf. § 143 d, and the sections there cited; on the use of WaÒw in numerical sayings, cf. § 134 s.


Rem. Sometimes waÒw copulativum joins a sentence apparently to what immediately precedes, but in reality to a sentence which is suppressed and which must, therefore, be supplied from the context. So especially w> with imperatives to express inferences, e.g. 1 K 2:22 ylia]v†;w> ask now rather; Ez 18:32 for I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth , Wbyvih'w> wherefore turn yourselves. Also at the beginning of a speech in loose connexion with an act or speech of another person, e.g. Ex 2:20, 2 S 18:11, 24:3, 2 K 4:14, 41, 7:13, 2 Ch 25:9; cf. also Jos 7:7 , (Wlw>) y Ps 2:10, 4:4, Is 8:7. Sometimes the suppression of the protasis is due to passionate excitement or haste, which does not allow time for full expression; this is especially illustrated by Nu 12:14, 20:3 (Wlw>), 1 S 10:12, 15:14, 22:14, 28:16, 2 S 18:12, 24:3, 1 K 2:22 (hM'l'ñw>), 2 K 1:10, 7:19 (cf. verse 2); Is 3:14, Zc 2:10, y Ps 2:6 (at the same time a circumstantial clause whereas I=and yet I have, &c.); cf. also a new clause beginning with the formula of wishing ymiW Nu 11:29, Ju 9:29; on the disconnected use of aolw" and vyEw", cf. § 159 dd.


1[1] For further particulars of the use of waÒw copulativum, see Gesenius' Thesaurus, i. 393 ff. On its use in the co-ordination of similar tenses and moods (e.g. five imperfects consecutive in Gn 25:34, five perfects with ~g:w>) as well as of dissimilar tenses and moods, the remarks made in the treatment of the tenses will suffice. With regard to the connexion of single nouns by w> (which strictly speaking is always really a contraction of so many clauses into a single sentence) the following observations may be made:— (a) Contrary to English usage, which in lengthy enumerations uses the and to connect only the last member of the series, in Hebrew polysyndeton is customary, as in Gn 12:16 waÒw copulativum six times, 24:35 seven times, 15:19 ff. nine times, and in Jos 7:24 ten times. Sometimes, however, only the last two words are joined (so in a series of three members, Gn 5:32, 10:1, 11:26, 13:2, 14:1, 30:39, &c.; the last three out of a series of four, Jer 2:26); less frequently only the first two, y Ps 45:9; cf. § 132 d. The formula ~Avl.vi lAmT. yesterday (and) the day before yesterday, Ex 5:8, &c., is always without the copula. On the other hand, the constructio asyndetos in a series of verbs is used as a rhetorical expedient to produce a hurried and so an impassioned description; e. g. Ju 5:27 at her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay; Ex 15:9, Dt 32:15, 1 S 15:6, Jer 4:7, Am 5:21, y Ps 10:10, 14:1, 45:5, Jb 20:19, 28:4, 29:8, Ct 2:11, 5:6, &c. (b) Frequently waÒw copulativum is also explanatory (like isque, et—quidem, and the German und zwar, English to wit), and is then called waÒw explicativum, e.g. Gn 4:4and (i.e. namely) of the fat thereof (unless it is simply copulative); Ex 24:12, 25:12 (to wit two); 27:14, 28:23, Ju 17:3 (in hk'Sem;W; here as often elsewhere, to introduce an explanatory gloss, cf. Is 17:8, Ez 3:15, and especially P. Haupt, SBOT. Isaiah, p. 90, l. 21 ff.), 1 S 17:34 and that too with the bear; 2 S 13:20, Is 57:11, Jer 17:10, Am 3:11, 4:10, Ze 9:9, Pr 3:12, Neh 8:13, 2 Ch 23:10 (but in 1 S 28:3 the W before Ary[iB. is to be omitted with the LXX); cf. also such combinations as d[;w>¤!mi from and even to , Gn 13:3, 14:23, 19:4, 11, &c.—In 1 S 6:11 (see Driver on the passage), 2 S 1:23, &c., w is equivalent to yea, and; in Is 32:7 even. w> is used to express emphasis (= and especially), e.g. in Gn 3:16 %nEroh†ew>; Is 2:1, y Ps 18:1, perhaps also in Jb 10:17 yea, a whole host; 2 Ch 16:14.—An undoubted example of what is called waÒw concomitantiae occurs in Jb 41:12 a seething pot !mig>a;w> with burning rushes; cf. Ex 10:10 (with your little ones), 12:8, Lv 1:12, Is 42:5. In Arabic this waÒw concom. is followed by the accusative. w>¤w> is used in the sense of both—and in y Ps 76:7, Dn 1:3, 8:13. On w>¤w> as meaning sive—sive, cf. § 162 b. (c) See the Lexicon on adverbs used in a copulative sense, such as ~G: also, moreover, summing up a number, e.g. ~yIn:òv.-~G: both together, Gn 27:45, Pr 17:15; lKo-~G: all together; as an intensive and, e.g. Gn 30:8, 37:7, 1 S 30:8; cf. also such examples as 1 S 24:12 see, yea see ! ~G:¤~G: or ~g:w>¤~G: Gn 24:44 = both—and; ~G: occurs three times in Gn 24:25 and 32:20; also @a;, which is generally still more intensive, in the sense of also, in addition to this, even, and belongs rather to " poetry, and to the later language; frequently also equivalent to a mere and, but sometimes adversative but now, y Ps 44:10, &c.; and @a;¤@a; (also three times), equivalent to both — and; cf. ~G: @a;w> and even, Lv 26:44; yKi-@a; prop. add to this also that, equivalent to not to mention, according to the context either quanto magis or quanto minus