A- Books

Tome 1

Origin and destiny of our Universe by a new cosmology, Mario Cosentino, éd. Bonnefoy, 1993 (134p.)

Destined to a large audience. Basic outline of the RMM (Micro-Macroscopic Relation) theory id exposed.

Back cover :

"Mario COSENTINO Contributes to the development of astronomy by collaborating with different school establishments, where he gives many lessons and conferences. He was formed in University in mathematics and physic. Known for the discovery of the most simple and precise equation (as the Wolf-Titus-Bode law) giving the distance of a planet in the solar system according to its row, and also the value of a constant that may governe the thermonuclear fusion in the heart of the Sun.

This book, audacious and innovative, upsets the expansion of the Universe. Does this theory, at the time of the Cobe satellite, the spatial telescope Hubble, and large terrestrial telescopes, reach a stalemate ?

Conquired by the new ideas of Mario COSENTINO, Pierre BOURGE (President of the Astro-Club de France) wanted hearing him to be better acquainted with his new cosmological theory, that rejects many beliefs used as basis in modern cosmology or standard FRW. TWO theoretical interpretations are possible:

- the first that one could describe as "traditional" defends the idea of an expanding Universe INDEFINITE or CYCLIC (which means, in one case as in the other, the inevitable death of the Unverse). Today, this theory is debattable and disputed.

- the second, proned by the author, is a new theory of the Universe seriously threatening the general belief of a expanding cosmos and, and that is more in agreement with the observations.

According to author's theory, the expansion of the Universe lasted some 17 billion years, and today, IS STABILIZED IN ROTATION for eternity. His model shows that cosmos has very surprising properties.This model of Universe answers, in a precise way, important questions as :

- did the Universe have a beginning? - is it homogeneous? Does it functions like a "gigantic computer"? Can one apply the principles of cybernetics to him? What death will it have? - is its ultimate destiny fixed? Are the Universe and the Life the product of chance or is this the work of a Great Architect? etc.

As opposed to what is taught, and so what is commonly believed, the creation of our consmos will not lead to a destruction.

In the meantime the artificial satellite Cobe, "the satellite of the origins" tends to accredit this new theory of the cosmos, which could solve the dissensions concerning modern cosmology!

This book, which can be regarded as a "precursor", gives access to a new cosmology of an another dimension, thaht could be very profitable and may become the cosmology of IIIrd millenium."

Tome 2

The New Big-bang, Synthesis of the current cosmological models, Mario Cosentino, éd. Apollines, 2001 (222p)

Synthesis of the main cosmological models. Outline of their gaps. Proposal of a new cosmology. Informed public. Scholars and students public

Back cover :

"Formed at the University in mathematics and physics, Mario Cosentino continues his research in independent since about fifteen years. In September 1997, the anteriority of his discoveries relative to a possible axis of the Universe was recognized by the American researchers. Mario Cosentino proposes to go further in these pages: in the heart of the Universe...

Since 1995 essentially and the revelations of the spatial telescope Hubble, the main cosmological model doesn't keep from showing his gaps and inconsistencies: not only it threatens to break down, but still, if we refuse to let place to a new theory, we are about to compromise our chance to understand the Universe.

Standard cosmology only repose on the general theory of Relativity, in which Einstein applies the nwtonian gravitation to the macroscopic organization and the dynamics of the Universe. However, we know today that the General Relativity is an incomplete theory, because it does not integrate the phenomena of quantum physics. Unaware of the micro-cosmos, it fails to account entirely of reality.

However, according to forecasts' of Mr. Cosentino, the bases of standard cosmology will be confronted, by 2010-2017, to insurmountable problems which are likely to sign its ruin.

It is time to approach this new millenium armed with new conceptual tools.

To give the word to many specialists and place to concurrent cosmological models that have also their word to say on our Universe: here is the first goal of this work.

Even more, because it seems difficult today to think that a single model can account for the complexity of the Universe, Mario Cosentino proposes here a synthesis of the various existing models, which brings to light a new model of Universe : the theory of the RMM of the "new big-bang".

Is still our Universe expanding ? Can the enigma of "the dark matter of the Universe" be resolved ? To bring a new explanation to the phenomenon of "the fatigue of the light"?

Here are some of the questions to which the "New Big-Bang" brings new answers."

B- Press

- Fusion n°61 Mai-Juin 1996 : - Vers l'agonie de la cosmologie standard ? (Philippe Jamet) pp.47-50 -Propriétés particulièrement stabilisatrices de l'hydrogène et de l'hélium (Didier Cornuet) pp.50-52- Les anomalies de la cosmologie standard (Mario Cosentino) pp.53-56

> Fusion n°93 Novembre - Décembre 2002, pp.62-63 (Philippe Jamet)

- Science Revue, hors série n°11, juillet 2003 (Mario Cosentino): Univers & Big Bang Un horizon funèbre - Une nouvelle théorie pour sortir de l'impasse



Cosmologie - Lacunes - Nouvelle Proposition - Références - Liens

Cosmology - Deficiencies - New Proposal - References - Links