§ 71. Verbs w¾¾p.Third Class, or Verbs with YoÖdh assimilated.

In some verbs w¾¾p, the YoÖdh (or the original WaÒw) does not quiesce in the preceding vowel, but is regarded as a full consonant, and, like NuÖn,1 is assimilated to the following consonant. These forms, therefore, belong properly to the class of strong verbs. Assimilation invariably takes place in [c;y" (prop. [cw) to spread under; HiphÇiÖl [;yCihi, HophÇal [C;huÈ tc;y" to burn, imperfect tC;yI, NiphÇal tC;nI, HiphÇiÖl tyCihi (in Is 27:4 also hN"t,ñyCia; is to be read with König; in 2 S 14:30 the Masora has rightly emended the KethiÖbh hytycwhw, which could only be the 1st sing. perf. of a verb w¾¾p, to the imperative h'WtñyCih;w> in agreement with the context and all the early versions); gc;y", HiphÇiÖl gyCihi to place, HophÇal gC;hu; and probably also in the forms ordinarily derived from bc;n", viz. bC;nI (NiphÇal), byCihiàbyCiy:àbC;hu; at any rate a stem bc;y" is implied by the HithpaÇeÒl bCey:t.hi; instead of the anomalous bC;t;T†ew: Ex 2:4 read with the Samaritan bcyttw, i.e. bCey:t.TiW:. Besides the common form we find once qCoa, in Is 44:3 (from qc;y" to pour) with a transitive meaning, beside qc,YEòw: intransitive, 1 K 22:35. Elsewhere the imperfect consecutive has the form qcoYIw: Gn 28:18, 35:14, &c., cf. § 69 f, where also other forms of qc;y" are given; rc,yYIòw: and rCoyI (Is 44:12, 49:8, Jer 1:5 QereÖ), from rc;y" to form, are, however, used in the same sense. Cf. also ~reS'.a, Ho 10:10; hn"r>V;ñYIw: (for  äTiw: according to § 47 k) 1 S 6:12; dSoyli 2 Ch 31:7 (cf. § 69 n) and dS'Wm Is 28:16. This assimilation is found always with sibilants (most frequently with c) except in the case of #Q;YIw: 1 K 3:15 (so ed. Mant., Ginsb., Kittel; but Jabl., Baer #q;YIw:) and in td,L,huñ Gn 40:20, Ez 16:5 (cf. td,L,Wh verse 4), infinitive HophÇal of dl;y" (cf. WdL.Wn § 69 t).


1[1] These verbs, like verbs [¾¾[ (cf. above, note on § 67 g), may perhaps have been influenced by the analogy of verbs !¾¾p.