§ 85. Nouns with Preformatives and Afformatives.


These include nouns which are directly derived from verbal forms having preformatives (HiphÇiÖl, HophÇal, HithpaÇeÒl, NiphÇal, &c.), as well as those which are formed with other preformatives ( a; y: m; n: t, and finally those which are formed with afformatives. The quadriliterals and quinqueliterals also are taken in connexion with these formations, inasmuch as they arise almost always by the addition or insertion of one or two consonants to the triliteral stem.

X. Nouns with Preformatives.


45. Nouns with a prefixed. Cf. the substantives with a prosthetic (§ 19 m), such as [;Arz>a, arm (Jer 32:21, Jb 31:22; elsewhere always [;Arz>) ’ [Bc.a, a finger, hB,r>a; a locust, @Arg>a, fist (others mattock, or clod ), hr'Wmv.a; or tr,moñv.a; a watch. In these examples the a is a 'euphonic' prefix ( Barth, ibid., § 150 b); in other cases it is 'essential'; cf. especially the adjectives, bz"k.a; deceitful, rz"k.a; cruel, !t'yae perennial ( for Õaitan) [ = the Arab. 'elative', used for expressing the compar. and superl. degrees]. The fem. hr'K'z>a; fragrant part1 (of the meal-offering) is a nomen verbale of HiphÇiÖl, answering to the Aramaic infinitive of the causal stem ( ÈAphÇeÒl ), hence with suff. Ht'r'K†'z>a; ( Lv 2:2, &c.


46. Nouns with h prefixed. Besides the ordinary infinitives of HiphÇil ljeq.h; and lyjiq.h;, of NiphÇal ljeQ'hi; ljoQ'hi (for hinq.), and of the conjugations formed with the prefix t.hi, this class also includes some rare nomina verbalia derived from HiphÇiÖ (cf. § 72 z), viz. hr'K'h; appearance (from rk;n"), Is 3:9; hp'n"h] a swinging (from @Wn), [ Is 30:28; hx'n"h] a rest-giving, Est 2:18 ]; hl'C'h; deliverance (from lc;n"), [ Est 4:14 an Aram. form: cf. hd'z"h] Dn 5:20]; perhaps also lk'yhe palace, from haikaÁl, unless it is borrowed from the Assyrian; see the Lexicon.


47. Nouns with y prefixed, as rh'c.yI oil, jWql.y: wallet, @Wvn>y: owl (?); from verbs W¾¾[, e. g. ~Wqy> a living thing, rWty> a range; from a verb y¾¾[; byrIy" an adversary. Of a different character are the many proper names which have simply adopted the imperfect form, as bqo[]y);; qx'c.yI, &c.


48. Nouns with m prefixed. This preformative MeÖm, which is no doubt connected with ymi who, and hm' what (see § 37 and § 52 c), appears in a very large number of nouns, and serves to express the most varied modifications of the idea of the stem: (1) m subjective, when preformative of the participles PiÇeÒl, HiphÇil, HithpaÇeÒl, and other active conjugations. (2) m objective, when preformative of the participles PuÇal, HophÇal, and other passive conjugations, as well as of numerous nouns. (3) m instrumental, as in x;Tep.m; a key, &c, (4) m local, as in rB'd>mi a drive for cattle. &c.


As regards the formation of these nouns, it is to be remarked that the preformative m was originally in most cases followed by a short . This , however, in a closed syllable is frequently attenuated to ; in an open syllable before the tone it is longthened to (so also the , attenuated from , is lengthened to ), and in !gEm' shield (with suff. yNIgIm†') it even becomes unchangeable . But in an open syllable which does not stand before the tone, the a necessarily becomes S–ewaÖ.


The following forms are especially to be noticed: (a) ground-form maÁqtÌaÁl, in Hebrew lj'q.m;,2 e. g. lk'a]m†; food; fem. hk'l'm.m; kingdom, tl,k,ña]m†; a knife, hk'al'm. (for hk'a'l.m; by § 23 c) business; from a verb !¾¾p; !T'm; a gift; from verbs w¾¾p; ac'Am a going forth, bv'Am a seat; from verbs y¾¾p; bj'yme the best (from maitÌaÁb); with y (or w ) assimilated, [C'm; a bed; from verbs [¾¾[; %s'm' a screen, and with the shortening of the under the preformative, rm,m,ñ bitterness (from rm;m. developed to a segholate), fem. hM'v;m. desolation; from a verb W¾¾[, probably of this class is ~Aqm' place, the lengthened to and obscured to (Arabic maÁqaÖm); from verbs h¾¾l; ha,r>m; appearance, ![;m;ñ (for hn<[]m†;) prop. intention, only in ![;m;ñl. on account of, in order that.


(b) Ground-form miqtÌaÒl (the usual form of the infin. Qal in Aramaic), Hebr. lj'q.mi, e. g. rB'd>mi (in Jer 2:31 also, where Baer requires rB;d>mih], read with ed. Mant., Ginsburg, &c. rB'd>mih]) a cattle-drive, fem. hm'x'l.mi war, hb'K'r>m, a chariot (with. SeghoÖl instead of , but in constr. st. tb,K,ñr>mi Gn 41:43; cf. qx'r>m, distance), tr,m,ñv.mi a watch; from verbs [¾¾[, e. g. bs;me surroundings (from miÁ – saÁb; in the open syllable being lengthened to but cf. also qV;m; Is 33:4 as constr. state from qqv with sharpening of the first radical; cf. § 67 g); from verbs h¾¾l; hn<q.mi a possession, fem. hn"q.mi.


(c) Ground-form maÁqtÌiÁl, Hebr. ljeq.m;, e. g. ![ev.m; a support (fem. hn"[ev.m;), rGEs.m; a smith, rfe[]m†; a tithe; fem. hl'vek.m; a ruin; from a verb !¾¾p; hp'GEm; an overthrow, hb'Cem; a pillar; from verbs [¾¾[; !gEm' a shield; fem. hL'gIm. a roll (from ll;G"q), hr'aem. a curse (for meÈirraÒ from rr;a'); from a verb w¾¾p; vqeAm a snare (from maÁwqiÁsÛ).


(d) Ground-form miÁqtÌiÁl, Hebr. ljeq.mi, e. g. dPes.mi mourning, x;Bew>mi an altar ( place of sacrifice); from a verb [¾¾[, e. g. bseme (bs;me ?) consessus; (e) ground-form maÁqtÌuÁl, Hebr. ljoq.m;; fem. tl,koña]m†; food, tr,Koñf.m; wages; from a verb [¾¾[, fem. hK'sum. a covering (from %k;s'). Also from [¾¾[, according to the Masora, zA[m' a refuge, with suffixes yZI[um†' and yWIW[m†', plur. ~yZI[um†', but, very probably, most if not all of these forms are to be referred to the stem zW[ to flee for safety, and therefore should be written yzIA[m., &c. The form z[om', if derived from the stem zz[, would mean stronghold.— Cf. also %r,moñ faintness, developed to a segholate, probably from %rom., for maÁroÒkh from %k;r', like ~tom. soundness of body, from ~m;T'.


With a long vowel in the second syllable: ( f ) ground-form maqtÌaÖl, with always obscured to e. g. rAsx.m; want, xAql.m; booty; from verbs W¾¾[, e. g.rAgm' fear, fem. hr'Agm. and hr'Wgm. (with the depressed to in a toneless syllable; cf. § 27 n), hm'Whm., &c., Is 22:5. (g) Ground-form miÁqtÌaÖl, in Hebr. again lAjq.mi, e. g. rATs.mi a covert, lAvk.mi a stumbling block (cf. above under i, maÁkhsÛeÒlaÒ); fem. tr,moñk.mi a fishing-net; ( h) the ground-forms maqtÌiÖl, miqtÌil (cf. ~yqime) are found only in participles HiphÇiÖl; the fem. tygIylib.m;, cheerfulness, is a denominative formed from a participle HiphÇiÖl; ( i ) ground-form maÁqtÌuÖl, vWBl.m; a garment.


Rem. On m as preformative of the participles of all the conjugations except, Qal and NiphÇal, cf. § 52 c. Many of these participles have become substantives, as tr,M,ñz:m. snuffers, tyxiv.m; destroyer, destruction.


49. Nouns with n prefixed. Besides the participles NiphÇal (ground-form naÁqtÌaÁl, still retained e. g. in dl'An for naÁwlaÒd, but commonly attenuated to niÁqtÌaÁl, Hebr. lj'q.nI) and the infinitive NiphÇal of the form ljoq.nI, the prefix n is found in ~yliWTp.n: wrestlings, Gn 30:8, which is also to be referred to NiphÇal, and dyzIn" boiled pottage (stem dyz).


50. With v prefixed, e. g. tb,h,ñl.v; a flame. On this S–aphÇeÒl formation, cf. § 55 i.


51. Nouns with t prefixed. Examples of this formation are numerous, especially from weak stems, for the purpose of strengthening them phonetically (see Barth, ibid., p. 283), and notably from verbs w¾¾p and W¾¾[. They, may be classified as follows:— (a) the ground-form taÁqtÌaÁl in sm'x.T; ostrich (?); from verbs w¾¾p; bv'AT a settler; fem. tl,x,ñAT expectation, tx;k;ñAT (from the HiphÇil x;ykiAh) correction; from a verb y¾¾p; !m'yTe the south; from verbs w¾¾p and h¾¾l; hd'AT thanksgiving, and hr'AT law, both from HiphÇiÖl, from a verb w¾¾p and a¾¾l; tAac'AT) issues; probably belonging to this class, from verbs [¾¾[; lb,T,ñ confusion, and sm,T,ñ a melting away (developed from lb;T. and sm;T., from ll;B' and ss;m').


(b) TiÁqtÌaÁl, e. g. fem. hr'a'p.Ti and tr,a,ñp.Ti glory; from a verb h¾¾l, e. g. hw"q.Ti hope; (c) tÁaqlÌiÁl, e. g.#Bev.T; chequer work; fem. hm'Der>T; deep sleep (probably from the NiphÇal ~D;r>nI); from a verb w¾¾p; hx'keAT) correction (from the HiphÇiÖl-stem, like the constr. st. plur. tAdl.AT) generations); from verbs [¾¾[; hL'hiT. praise, hL'piT. prayer (from the PiÇeÒl of the stems ll;h' and ll;P').


With a long vowel in the second syllable: (d) tiÁqtÌaÖl as ~AhT. the ocean, the deep (for tiÁhaÖm; in Assyrian the fem. tiaÖmtu, constr. st. tiaÖmat, is the usual word for sea), unless it is to be derived with Delitzsch, Prolegomena, p. 113, from the stem ~ht; (e) taÁqtÌiÖl (in Arabic the usual form of the infinitive of conjugation II. which corresponds to the Hebrew PiÇeÒl ), e. g. from a verb h¾¾l, fem. tylik.T; completeness; tyBir>T; increase, usury, with a parallel form tyBir>m;; in a passive sense, dymil.T; a disciple; (f) lWjq.T;, e. g. x;WPT; an apple (for taÁnpuÖa ); very frequently used to form abstracts, e. g. lWmg>T; a benefit (also lWmG>); from verbs W¾¾[; hs'WbT., a treading down, hp'WnT. a waving (like hm'WrT. a lifting up, from the HiphÇiÖl stem), hq'WvT. a longing, &c.; very frequently also as an abstract plural, e. g. tAkPuh.T; peroerseness, tAlBux.T; guidance, ~yrIWrm.T; bitterness, ~ymiWxn>T; and tAmWxn>T; consolation; from a verb W¾¾[; ~ynIauT. toil.

XI. Nouns with Afformatives.


52. Nouns with l affixed. Perhaps lm;v.x; amber (?), and probably lz<r>B; iron, lm,r>K; garden-land (SeghoÖl in both cases is probably a modification of the original in the tone-syllable), l[ob.GI bloom, cf. § 30 q.— According to Prätorius, ZDMG. 1903, p. 530 ff., al is an affix of endearment in the proper names lk;ymi; lj;Wmx] (little lizard?) lg:ybia] (also lyIg:Ðybia]).


53. Nouns with ~ affixed. With an original aÁm as afformative, ~l'Wa vestibule (although the in the sing. remains unchangeable), plur. ~yMil;a†u; but in ~N"Ki a swarm of gnats, the ~ is radical. With original afformative uÁm, ~roy[e (also ~ro[e) naked (from rw[), plur. ~yMiruy*[e Gn 3:7, parallel form ~Ar[', plur. ~yMiWr[] Gn 2:25. — To this class also belong the adverbs in aÒm and oÒm, mentioned in § 100 g, and many proper names, as ~vor>G)e, also ~Avr>G)e, and !Avr>G)e ( patronymic yNIvur>G)e), ~Kol.mi, ~r'm.[; &c.; but for ~Ayd>Pi ransom (?), Nu 3:49, probably ~yIWdP. is to be read.


54. Nouns with ! affixed. The ! is added by means of a simple helping vowel in ![en:ÐK. Canaan, and !r,Poñci a finger nail; more frequently the addition is made by means of a tone-bearing , which in Hebrew is modified to SeghoÖ (as !z<r>G: axe) or lengthened to ( but cf. also tyNIr;x)oa] and tyNIr;do)q. ); e. g. !y"n>qi a possesion, !x'l.vu a table, !B'r>q' an offering. From an original being changed into an obscure we may probably explain such forms as !Aba'D> a pining away; !Abr>D)" (also !b'r>D†') a goad; !Ab['r> hunger; from verbs h¾¾l, !AaG" pride, !Amh' noise, !Azx' a vision; !Ayr>vi a coat mail; from a verb !¾¾p, !AaV'm; guile (the only instance with both m preformative and oÖn afformative)3; very frequently from the simple stem with an unorganic sharpening of the second radical, e. g !ArK'zI memorial, !AyL'Ki destruction (constr. st. !Ark.zI and !Ayl.Ki), &c.; cf. also !Ayr'h†e pregnancy (for R'hi) and § 93 uu; !Alq'yq†i shame, for !Alq'l.qi. Proper names occur with the termination uÖn, as !Wrvuy>, § 86 g, and others.


Rem. A large number of proper names now ending in h¤o. or used to be classed as nouns originally formed with the affix !A¤. The subsequent rejection of the final NuÖn seemed to be confirmed by the form !ADgIm., once used (Zc 12:11) for ADgIm. (and conversely in Pr 27:20 KethiÖbh hDob;a], QereÖ ADb;a] for!ADb;a] destruction), also by the fact that for hmol{v. the LXX give the form Solwmw,n or Salwmw,n, and especially that in patronymics and tribal names (§ 86 h) a NuÖn appears before the termination , as ynIl{yG)i Gilonite from holGI and ynIl{yv†i from hl{yvi (modern name SailuÖn). Wetzstein, however ( in Delitzsch's Commentary on Job, 1st ed., p. 599), explained the NuÖn in !ADgIm. as a secondary addition to the common old-Palestinian termination (AxyrIy>; AK[;; AnAMrI, &c.), and Barth (Nominalbildung, § 224 b) has since shown the unsoundness of the prevailing view on other grounds: the rejection of the NuÖn would be much more likely to occur in the numerous appellatives in oÖn than in proper names, and ynIl{yG)i and ynIl{yv†i are due to the necessity of avoiding, for euphonic reasons, such forms as giÖloÖ–iÖ, sÛiÖloÖ–iÖ, &c.; cf. also ynIl'v†e from hl've.
On the afformatives y¤i; y¤;; tW: ty¤i, see below, § 86 h–l.

XII. Quadriliterals and Quinqueliterals.


55. rWml.G: barren, vymiL'x; a flint, and the fem hp'['l.z" heat, & c., have probably arisen from the insertion of a l ’ lGOr>x; a locust, ~Dor>q; an axe, hP'[;r>s; a branch, Ez 31:5 (verses 6, 8 hP'[;s. ), ~yPi[;r>f; (also ~yPi[if.) anxious thoughts, jyBir>v;sceptre, from insertion of a r, which is common in Aramaic. Cf., moreover, vmer>x, a sickle, rd;m's. vine-blossom; with an initial [; @Lej;[] a bat, vybiK'[; a spider, rB'k.[; a mouse, br'q.[; a scorpion,4 &c.—Quinqueliteral, [;Der>p;c. a frog.


1[1] Or perhaps more correctly with Jacob, ZAW. 1897, p. 79, 'declaration,' i. e. the part of the meal-offering which ' announces the sacrifice and its object '.

2[1] In ~yQit;ƒm.m†; Ct 5:16, Neh 8:10, the first syllable is artificially opened to avoid the cacophony; on the of the second syllable cf. § 93 ee.

3[1] The plurals ~ynIC'nI flowers, Ct 2:12, and ~ynIfM.qi thorns appear to be formed directly from the singulars #nE (cf. hC'nI) and fAMqi with the insertion of (which in mq is obscured to oÖn). See Nöldeke, Mand. Gr., p. 169, Rem. 3; similarly, according to Hoffmann, 'Einige phöniz. Inschriften,' p. 15 (Abh. der Gött. Ges. der Wiss., xxxvi), ~ynIAbZ>[i wares, Ez 27:14, 16 from bz<[,ñ = bc,[,ñ.

4[1] Derenbourg ( REJ., 1883, p. 165 ) infers from the above examples and a comparison of the Arabic ÇusfuÖr, sparrow (from sÌafara, to chilp), that [ was especially employed to form quadriliteral names of animals.