§ 95. Paradigms of Feminine Nouns.


In accordance with the general formative Jaws, stated in 92 b–k, the following cases have chiefly to be considered in the flexion of feminines also: (1) a tone-lengthened vowel on the removal of the tone reverts to its original shortness (thus the of the termination h¤' becomes again in the construct st. t,‘ΑlinE'œ;). On the other hand, even an originally short vowel is retained as (a long) pretonic vowel beforethe endings h,‘ΑlinE'œ' and tA in the abs. st., e. g. tq;d>c.; (2) without the tone or foretone an originally short vowel almost always becomes ewaÖ; on the other hand, before a vowel which had thus become ewaÖ the in the first syllable which had hitherto also been reduced to ewaÖ, returns, although usually attenuated to , e. g. tq;d>ci from sÌaçdhaçqaçth; (3) in the plural of the feminines of segholate forms before the termination of tA or ~y¤'i, and in formations of the latter kind also before the light suffixes; a pretonicQamesÌ reappears, while the short vowel of the first syllable becomes ewaÖ. This short vowel, however, returns in the construct st. plur., whether ending in tA or y¤e; in formations of the latter kind also before the grave suffixes.

The following Paradigms (with the exception of I, d) deal only with such of the forms treated in § 94 as incur some vowel changes or other. All forms with unchangeable vowels follow the analogy of Paradigm I, d.








Sing. absolute







(kidney) (reproach)




Sing. costruct






Sing. with light suff.






Sing. with grave suff.






Plur. absolute


tAyl'K. tApr'x]



Plur. construct


tAyl'K.1 tAPr>x,



Plur. with suff.





Dual absolute



(a double piece of embroidery)(cymbals)








Sing. absolute











Sing. construct






Sing. with light suff.






Sing. with grave suff.






Plur. absolute




Plur. construct





Plur. with suff.





Dual absolute



(fetters of brass)


Dual construct




1. Paradigm I: feminines of segholate forms. (a) The locative of this class has the form ht'['ñb.GI towards Gibeah (masc. [b;G<ò). In some cases, especially with an initial guttural, there is no means of deciding whether the form in question is to be referred to a qaçtÌl or a qiçtÌlbase, e. g. hq'z>x, strength (cf. hP'r>x, under b). A dual of this form occurs in ~yIt;ñ['b.vi seven times (cf. [b;v,ñ seven, fem.). Analogous to masculine forms like vb;D> (§ 93 s) is hS'd;h] myrtle.—From masculines of the form yrIP. (h¾¾l, cf. § 93 I, k) arise feminines sometimes like hw"a]N);àhw"lv;Ãhy"l.a; (see above, § 94 b), sometimes like tykiB. (§ 94 f ); occasionally the final t is retained before the plural ending, as if it belonged to the stem (cf. § 87 k), e. g. tAtynIx] spears. Forms like hY"dIG> (cf. hY"nIa\, a quçtÌl form) are derived directly from the masculine forms ydIG> kid, ynIa\ a fleet.—(b) From a stem !¾¾[àhJ'xi wheat (for hj'n>xi), plur. ~yJixi.—(c) From hl'r>[' foreskin, the plur. absol. is tAlr'[] (cf. ~yli[P., § 93, Paradigm I, f ), constr. tAlr>['.—(d) Example of a feminine segholate form from a stem [¾¾[ (ground-form quçtÌl, like hY"x; of the form qaçtÌl, hM'zI of the form qiçtÌl, with , for , aG"x' terror, Is 19:17 (Aramaic orthography for hG"x').


(e) To the list of segholate forms with t fem. belong also the infinitives of verbs w¾¾p and !¾¾p, which have rejected the weak consonant at the beginning, as tb,X,ñ (from bv;y"), t[;D;ñ (from [d;y"), tv,G<ò (from vg:n"), as well as tx;q;ñ (from xq;l'); cf. § 69 m and § 66 b and g. The infinitives of verbs w¾¾p are, however, also found in the form h['Deàhd'leàha'ce, and of the same origin also are hd'[e congregation (from d[;y"), hc'[e counsel (from #[;y"), hn"ve sleep(from !vey"), constr. td;[]àtn:v., while in the constr. forms t[;zE sweat, Gn 3:19 (from [z:y" to flow), and ta;ce excrement, Ez 4:12, the SÍere has remained firm.


From a stem W¾¾[ (cf. vAB to be ashamed) is tv,Bñ shame, with suffix yTiv.B'. From a stem h¾¾l (hl'D', cf., however, Barth, ZDMG. 1887, p. 607, who assumes a stem ldy) the masculine lD; appears to have been formed after the rejection of the final YoÖdh, and afterwards the feminine tl,D,ñ door; but in the plural tAtl'D>, constr. tAtl.D;, the t of the termination is retained (see above, d, tAtynIx]). In a similar way ~ytip'r> stalls, Hb 3:17, has arisen, if it is from the stem hpr, and tq,vo trough (from hq'v'), of which the masc. must have been qvo = yqiv\; on the other hand, the plur. constr. tAtq]v)I Gn 30:38 (again retaining the feminine t as an apparent radical) can only be an abnormal formation from the singular tq,voñ, not from a kindred form tq,v,ñ or tq,veñ.


2. Paradigm II: ground-form qaçtÌaçlaçt, &c., cf. § 94 c, Paradigm II, a and b. Analogous to the masculine forms like !j'q', plur. ~yNIj;q., we find hN"j;q. parva, &c.—The constr. forms, like tq;d>ci (sÌidheqaçth), are distinguished by the vocal ewaÖ ( § 10 d) from the segholate forms, like tf;b.Ki (kibh–saçth. Consequently the constr. st. tK;r>Bi Gn 28:4, &c. (from hk'r'B. blessing), and tD;r>x, 1 S 14:13, &c. (from hd'r'x] a trembling), are abnormal.—Under the influence of a guttural (see Paradigm b) the original is retained in the first syllable in the constr. st. (cf. also hm'd'a] earth, tm;d>a;); in other cases it is modified to SeghoÖl, e. g. hl'g"[] wagon, Atl'g>[,. Frequently from an absol. st. in h¤' the constr. is formed with the termination t, e. g. hr'j'[] crown, constr. tr,j,ñ[] (from T.r>j;[]); along with hr'c'[] assembly, tr,c,ò[] is found usually, even in the absol. st.; tm,b,ñy> (from ~b'y" levir) before suffixes is pointed as in yTim.biy>, and thus entirely agrees with tr,b,ñG> (Paradigm I e). From a stem !¾¾l ¿!m;a'À is formed tm,a/ truth (from Èaçmant, and this no doubt for an original Èaçmint, § 69 c) before suffixes yTimia], &c.


From the masc. form ljeq' (qaçtÌiçl,) are formed, according to rule, hr'deG> wall, hl'ben> corpse, constr. tl;b.nI È hm'heB. cattle, constr. tm;h/B)< (for tm;h]B†;), with suffix ^T.m.h,B. Lv 19:19. More frequently, however, the of the second syllable is retained before the termination ath of the constr. st.; thus from hl'ben> once ytil'b†en> Is 26:19, and always tk;reB. pool, tl;zEG> prey, ta;mej. unclean, ytia]l†em. full, Is 1:21 (with HÍireq compaginis, see § 90 l), ytir'r†em. Jb 16:13; ytil'a†ev. 1 S 1:27, &c. (with elision of the aà%tel'v†e 1 S 1:17), also ytil'a/v†, Jb 6:8. Cf. the analogous forms of the constr. st. tp;GEm; plague, tm;Der>T; deep sleep, from hp'GEm;àhm'Der>T;.


As dual we find ~yIt;ñk'r>y: sides (cf. Atk'r>y: Gn 49:13, from the obsolete hk'rey>, feminine of %rey" ); the constr. st. yteK.r>y: is perhaps to be referred to a segholate form (hK'r>y:, cf. %r,y<ò as constr. st. of %rey"), unless the closed syllable be due to the analogy of tK;r>Bi and tD;r>x, (see g).


In the forms with simple t feminine the ground-form qaçtÌiçlt is developed (§ 69 c) to qetÌalt, and this again regularly to tl,j,ñq.. Thus the feminine of rbex' companion is tr,b,ñx] (with suffix HT'r>b,x] Mal 2:14, cf. HT'n>k,v. Ex 3:22), of rdeG" fem. tr,d,ñG> besides hr'deG>.—Of W¾¾[ stems the segholate forms tx;n:ò rest and tx;v;ñ pit (from x;Wnàx;Wv) belong to this class; Böttcher (Gram. i. 4:11) rightly distinguished the latter from tx;v;ñ corruption (stem tx;v'); in the same way also tx;n:ò rest is distinct from tx;n:ò a lighting down (stem tx;n").


The feminines of the form qaçtÌiçl from stems W¾¾[, as ht'me mortua, hd'[e fem. witness (from tWmàdW[), have likewise an unchangeable vowel in the first syllable. Cf., on the other hand, the forms from y¾¾p stems mentioned above, under e, such as hn"ve sleep, constr. st. tn:v.; moreover, hm'xe anger, constr. st. tm;x] (but tm,xeñ a leathern bottle, in pause tm,x+, [so Baer, Ginsb., but Kittel  äxe] Gn 21:15, constr. st. ~yIm;ñ tm;xeñ Gn 21:24, perhaps from a stem tmx).


The feminines of the form qaçtÌuçl, like hQ'mu[] (masc. qmo['), maintain the original by sharpening the following consonant (cf. § 93 kk); on the other hand, by appending the fem. t, segholate forms arise like tv,xñn>, before suff. ~T'v.xun>, &c. Dual ~yIT;ñv.xun> (see Paradigm II, a); but cf. yTiv.x'n> La 3:7.


A few (aramaising) feminines from h¾¾l stems (Paradigm II, c) are found with the ending aÖth, due to the rejection of the final WaÒw or YoÖdh and contraction of the preceding with the of the termination açth; thus tn"m. portion (for maçnaçyaçth or maçnaçwaçth), tc'q. end (also hc,q' and hc'q'), plur. tAyn"m. (constr. st. Neh 12:47, 13:10) and tAan"m. (Neh 12:44); tAc'q. Ex 38:5; cf. 37:8 and 39:4 Keth.; on tyOa'G)e valleys, see § 93 v.—tAa sign (stem hwa) is obscured from ta', and this is contracted from 'aÖyaçth = 'açwaçyaçth; plur. tAtao, with the double feminine ending; cf. above, f, and § 87 k.—The retention of the in the first syllable in ytil'a†', &c., Gn 24:41, &c., is abnormal.


3. Paradigm III, cf. the various forms in § 94 d and f–h. The dual ~yIt;ñmoAx) two walls, Is 22:11, &c., taken directly from the plur. tAmAx, for ~yIt;ñm'Ax), is abnormal (cf. § 87 s, and the proper name ~yIt;rod†eG> Jos 15:36).—Among the forms resembling participles Qal of verbs W¾¾[, such as hr'z" (masc. rz" from zaÖiçr, hence with unchangeable ), must be reckoned also hm'B' high place (from ~WB), which has for its constr. st. plur. the pleonastic form yteAmB†', or written defectively ytemoB†' (see § 87 s); for this the Masora everywhere requires ytem\B†', which is to be read baÒmotheÖ (not boçmotheÖ), with an anomalous shortening of the to ¤\; but with suffixes yt;AmB†', &c.


In a wider sense the feminines of the form lJ'q; (§ 84b e) belong to this class, in so far as they shorten the of the second syllable before the termination t, e. g. tq,L,ñD; inflammation (from dallaçqt), with suff %Teq.D,c; Ez 16:52; t[;B;ñj; signet; also fem. of the forms lJ;qi and lJeqi (§ 84b c and d), as tl,W<òai folly (for È iwwaçlt), and of all the forms which have a changeable vowel in the second syllable, and are formed with the prefix m ( 85 g–k), e. g. hk'l'm.m; kingdom, constr. always tk,l,ñm.m; È hr'mez>m; (not used in the sing.) pruning-hook, plur. tArmez>m; È tr,Boñf.m; reward, with suff. yTir>Kuf.m;; cf. also the examples given in § 85 g and p, like td,l,ñAm birth (but from a¾¾làha'c'Am) outgoing), td,l,ñAT generation, hb'[eAT) abomination, constr. tb;[]AT), &c.


Sometimes the plural of these forms is to be traced to a secondary form, e. g. tr,G<òai a letter, plur. tArG>ai (as if from hr'G>ai); also tAqn>Ay(, which is merely formed on the analogy of the other plur. fem. of participles Qal, is to be referred to a sing. hq'n>Ay. Cf., moreover, tv,r,ñx]m†; ploughshare, plur. tAvrex]m†; (as if from hv'rex]m†;)3; on the other hand, tArt'K)o capitals (of columns), and tAxK'AT) reproofs, are the regular plurals of tr,t,ñKo and tx;k;ñAT.


In tn<ToñKu coat the original of the first syllable is maintained by the sharpening of the following consonant (cf. Arab. quçtÌuçn), with suff. yTin>T'Ku, the constr. st., however, is tn<toñK. (as also in the absol. st. in Ex 28:39); plur. tAnT\Ku, constr. tAnt.K'.—The form tl,GOòl.GU given in Paradigm III, b is a Puçlpuçl- form of the stem ll;G", cf. dqod>q', § 84b p.


4. To the fourth class, for which no Paradigm is required, belong all the numerous forms which in classical Hebrew have unchangeable vowels throughout, the originally short vowel of the first syllable having become ewaÖ, owing to the tone being thrown forward. Of the forms mentioned in §§ 84 and 85 those from [¾¾[ stems especially belong to this class, as hL'gIm. scroll, hL'hiT. praise, hL'piT. prayer (§ 85 i and q), as well as the feminine of the participle HiphÇiÖl of verbs W¾¾[, e. g. hr'yaim. enlightening (from ryaime), and generally the feminines of W¾¾[ stems which are compounded with the preformative m, as hx'Wnm. rest (from x;Anm'), see § 85 l; from h¾¾l stems perhaps also hl'['T. conduit (constr. st. Tl;['T. Is 7:3, &c.) and ha'l'T. travail. Thus all these forms coincide externally with those which already, in the masculine form, have unchangeable vowels throughout (see the list of them in § 93 ww).


5. The feminine ending ty¤i (apart from h¾¾l-forms like tykiB., § 94 f ) arises from the addition of the feminine t to the ending y¤i which is employed to form adjectives, &c., see § 86 d, h, and k. The ending tW, mentioned there, is attached, in segholate forms, sometimes to the ground-form, as tWTv.[; Jb 12:5 (v. l. tATv.[;), sometimes to forms with a loosely-closed syllable, as tWkl.m; kingdom; from h¾¾l stems we find forms sometimes like tWbv. captivity (according to others from the stem bWv, like tWzl. perverseness from zWl), sometimes like tWkB' weeping, tWlG" exile, tWzx' vision; the latter retain the of the first syllable even in the constr. st. and before suffixes. From a qaçtÌiçl-form is formed tWdbeK. heaviness; from a qaçtÌiÖl-form tWdqiP., &c.


In the plural of these forms different methods of treatment may be distinguished. In some cases the whole ending tW is retained, as if belonging to the stem (cf. above, f ), e. g. %yIt;ñWnm.l.a; from tWnm'l.a;, in others this ending is resolved, as in tAYkul.m; Dn 8:22 (no doubt for maçlekhuwwoÖth), and tAd>[†eeÒdhewoÖth, from tWd[e testimony, but only with suffixes, ^yt,ñAd>[†e y Ps 119:14, &c.; wyt'Ad>[†e 1 K 2:3, &c.
1 Only in y Ps 69:10, contrary to rule, with a firmly closed syllable, cf. § 93 m.


2[1] On tAnv' as a less frequent (poetic) form for ~ynIv' see § 87 n

3[1] tr,Toñv.[; Astarte (plur. tArT'v.[;), which was formerly included among these examples, is most probably due to an intentional alteration of the original tr,T,ñv.[;, like %l,moñ Lv 18:21, &c. (for %l,m,ñ), with the vowels of tv,Bñ shame, the latter word being substituted in reading for the name of the goddess.